Friday, October 8, 2010

Sami Yusuf - Healing

'The concept of “Heal and you will be Healed” not only moved and pulled me into the project, but totally fascinated me as well... This is a great initiative and I’m honoured to have been part of it… I composed the melody and lyrics within days of getting back home, and the video has turned out to be utterly smashing.' - Sami Yusuf.

Sami's song Healing is a call to revive the caring aspect of human beings. The video opens up with worrying scenes of a mother rushing her child to an ambulance, families, looking after the elderly. The song's lyrics "a simple act of kindness brings such meaning" captures the essence of Sami's track. The message of healing extends beyond traditional 'Muslimness' where Muslims interact with other Muslims in an ideal world to a realistic one, where there exists human-to-human compassion. Helping. Humanity. These words and the video bring another dimension to 'healing'; like a lonely soul seeking faith, spirituality and compassion can bring emotional cures. Towards the end the video moves you to tears. It seems there are some things you cannot heal, and sometimes you cannot heal. Sometimes you come close to the end, and someone pulls you back. It's epic.

Download Healing from the Official Sami Yusuf website.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

'Islam's biggest rock star' donating music profits to help Pak flood victims

British singer-songwriter Sami Yusuf Islam's biggest rock star' by Time magazine, has decided to donate profits from his latest single to help Pakistan flood victims.

Born in Iran, but raised in the UK, the singer is urging fans to recognise the ongoing plight of those affected by the floods.

Profits from Hear Your Call will go to Save the Children, which is working in the four provinces hit by the disaster.

Sami has sold more than seven million albums worldwide.

"This is an enormous disaster and I personally feel we all, as fellow humans, have a responsibility to help the victims in any way we can," the BBC quoted him as saying.
"The floods have completely changed many people's lives and through our actions, we can offer hope."

"In such times we have to align ourselves with the right organisations to reach out to the affected areas as effectively and urgently as possible," he added.

He has now released the new single ‘Hear Your Call’, all profits from which will go to Save the Children to help the victims of the recent flooding in Pakistan.

The single ‘Hear Your Call’ can be downloaded through iTunes or directly from the Sami Yusuf website.

"Donate Now to the flood victims by downloading the Hear your Call song"