Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sami Yusuf - Singer releases Pakistan aid single

A world-renowned singer-songwriter has launched a new single in aid of flood victims in Pakistan.
Sami Yusuf will donate the profits of Hear Your Call to Save the Children's flood appeal and is calling on his fans to do more to support the aid effort.
Mr Yusuf said that all human beings have an obligation to help out during an "enormous disaster" such as the Pakistan floods.
"In such times we have to align ourselves with the right organisations to reach out to the affected areas as effectively and urgently as possible," the singer stated.
He added that 20 million people have been affected by the floods, including an estimated nine million children.
The musician has sold more than seven million albums worldwide.
Save the Children is currently operating in all four provinces of Pakistan that have been hit and has so far provided shelter and provisions for some 305,000 people.
Hear Your Call is available on iTunes and on the singer's official webpage. 
Donate Now

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Singer Sami Yusuf donating music profits to Pakistan

British singer-songwriter Sami Yusuf is donating profits from his latest single to help flood victims in Pakistan.

Born in Iran, but raised in the UK, the singer is urging fans to recognise the ongoing plight of those affected by the floods.
Profits from Hear Your Call will go to Save the Children, which is working in the four provinces hit by the disaster.
Sami has sold more than seven million albums worldwide.
He said: "This is an enormous disaster and I personally feel we all, as fellow humans, have a responsibility to help the victims in any way we can.
"The floods have completely changed many people's lives and through our actions, we can offer hope.
"In such times we have to align ourselves with the right organisations to reach out to the affected areas as effectively and urgently as possible."
The track can be download from iTunes and the artist's official website here  Donate Now


Sami yusuf (UK singers support flood relief campaign)

British musicians are supporting Pakistan in dealing with the worst natural disaster in the country’s history. While some are donating through the sales of their latest tracks, others are making exclusive songs to urge the international community to donate to flood relief efforts.

Called “Islam’s biggest rock star” by Time magazine, singer Sami Yusuf has dedicated his latest single “Hear Your Call” to Pakistan’s flood relief efforts. All the profits from the song will go to Save the Children.
Talking about his decision to make donations, Yusuf told BBC, “This is an enormous disaster and I personally feel we all, as fellow humans, have a responsibility to help the victims in any way we can.”
“The floods have completely changed many people’s lives and through our actions, we can offer hope. In such times we have to align ourselves with the right organisations to reach out to the affected areas as effectively and urgently as possible.”

Asian bands in the UK are also working for the flood relief campaign.
Rapper Sabotage has teamed up with underground artists in UK. Featuring Raxstar, Da Poe, Sam Khan, Rkz, Swami Baracus, Faze, Kaution and Arjun, the song titled “United We Stand” has just been released. Appealing for donations, all the money earned from the charity single will go to Disasters Emergency Committee, an organisation coordinating all the funds from UK to Pakistan.

With images of the disaster sites in the video, the song features lyrics condemning the attitude of politicians in the time of crisis. Calling for support from the international community by “putting aside the differences,” the rap number also censures “religious backbite” as a major cause of the divide.